
Reporting Made Easy

Access to real-time data is essential for event planners. The ATS ExpoMetrics dashboard houses event data in a user-friendly online portal. This portal is accessible at any time, anywhere, from both mobile and stationary devices. Once logged in to the event’s portal, downloadable check-in, badge production, attendance tracking, and lead retrieval reports are available.


Your Data, Any Time, Anywhere

ExpoMetrics helps both show managers and exhibitors gather data in real-time.

  • Accessible via phone, laptop or tablet

  • At a glance or fully downloadable reports housed in one central online dashboard

  • Up to the second attendance tracking

  • Registration check-in numbers by date and time

  • Print reports by date and time

ExpoMetrics has changed the way show managers evaluate their performance at tradeshows in real-time: No more waiting for post-show reports.

Let’s Talk About ExpoMetrics

With American Tradeshow Services’ ExpoMetrics, show managers and exhibitors can efficiently and strategically manage key performance indicators (KPI’s) from the palm of their hand. Contact ATS today to learn how ExpoMetrics can transform your event.

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Our services

It was definitely beneficial for us to see real-time data. We definitely didn’t have that access in 2015. The live data made it possible for us to interact and see what attendees are doing to respond immediately with strategies to increase attendance.

Justin Graff

Tradeshow Logic